Win Prizes

All eligible participants who submit their mini-movie by the deadline on Sunday, July 7 will be entered into a raffle. The more filmmaking elements you include in your film, the more prize tokens you will earn for the challenge raffle. You can also earn prize tokens by completing different activities.
You must submit your final mini-movie to be entered into the raffle. Any prize tokens you earn leading up to the deadline will not count unless you submit your final project.
We will feature all mini-movies at the citywide showcase on Thursday, July 11. The showcase will celebrate all participants and premier all submitted videos on the screen location TBA. We will also draw all the raffle winners during the showcase.
Earn Prize Tokens
Write an Artist Statement | 1 Prize Token |
Make a Movie Poster | 1 Prize Token |
Attend a Workshop or Drop-In Help Session | 1 Prize Token |
Submit a project with 5 Elements | 1 Prize Token |
Submit a project with 8 Elements | 3 Prize Tokens |
Submit a project with 12 Elements | 5 Prize Tokens |
Submit a project with 20 Elements | 8 Prize Tokens |
We will raffle off all prizes during the Film It! Showcase on Thursday, July 11. We will select a set number of winners from each tier. Film It! participants may only win one prize, but the more prize tokens you earn the greater your chance of winning a prize.
Tier 1
- Green Screen
- Microphone
- Old-style Disposable Camera
- OlloClip
- Phone Stabilizer
- Ring Light
- Visa Gift Card ($25.00)
Tier 2
- Instax Camera Mini
- Tablet Stabilizer
Tier 3
- GoPro
- Air Pods